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Staff Profiles
Tom Amery
Managing Director
Tom joined TWC in 1999 from a background in horticulture. He now runs our business and relishes any opportunity to talk watercress!
Sean Ede
Watercress Manager - Hampshire
Sean has been growing watercress for an impressive 33 years! He works with his wife Penny; the perfect partnership.
Jon Old
Wasabi Manager
Jon is a trained journalist, working previously for a Sunday supplement of a major newspaper. He now heads up Team Wasabi.
Clinical research on watercress
For several decades watercress has been repeatedly been the subject of clinical research due to its natural health properties. Although we have invested into some of this research most of the work being done is outside of our influence and based solely on interest in the clinical applications of the components of watercress. When we learn of new studies into the possible clinical applications of watercress and its components we offer our enthusiasm and support in terms of product supply and technical knowledge and we have thereby embarked on some very exciting collaborations. Along the way we have met some incredible scientists and researchers who have helped to uncover the natural benefits of watercress. Together with these teams we aim to explain their findings to a wider public.
Here are some of the researchers that may be able to provide an insight for you regarding Watercress
Mihalis I. Panagiotidis, BSc, MSc, PhD | Professor of Cellular & Molecular Sciences
Dr Kyle J Stewart MBChB BMedSc PGCE Med Ed, Postdoctoral Research Fellow - University of Exeter Medical School, MSB Group Innovation Fellow. Kyal is one of the founders of Watercress Research Limited and has launched a range of skincare products containing a watercress extract sold under the brand of ProfandDoc
Harvesting drone video
MackaB video for TWC
Info Graphic
The Watercress Company's favourite infographic